Mothers are exiled from their babies NOT because they were prooven unfit, but because they are vulnerable (young, unwed,
sick or poor). Exiled mothers are lied to by social workers, adopters, adoption agencies and even the church in order
for adopters to obtain their babies.
don't have a choice when surrendering their babies. They are
coerced or outright forced into surrendering their babies for adoption.
Exiled mothers are women who WANTED to keep their babies, but because of factors such as being unwed, poor, or sick,
their babies were taken by
force, coercion and lies.
Some mothers are still drugged when they are forced to sign the papers relinquishing their parental rights. Others
are told that they will never see their child again unless they sign the papers to surrender their child for adoption.
Others were told they would not be allowed to see their babies unless they signed the papers. Still others, never signed
but the mother's parents signed away their children.
All mothers are NEVER told the truth about the consequences of adoption to them or their babies. Instead, they
were delibertly lied to.
Children are taken from their mothers so that the adoption industry can make money by playing the role of savior to infertile
couples by selling the "ultimate gift" to them at the mother's expense. Then the adoption industry comes out "smelling
like a rose" for solving the welfare and moral problems of society. It really all comes down to money.... keeping the
mothers off welfare and making money for the adoption brokers.
The adoption industry tells mothers that they will forget. Mothers are told to "get over it." They are told
"put it behind you." Mothers are told to "get on with their lives." The children are told that "their mother gave
them away."
Exiled mothers never forget. They never stop loving their babies. They
never stop missing their babies.
Exiled mother: A natural mother who has lost her child to adoption solely because of her age and/or lack of support,
information or resources. An unrecognized mother, she has been thrown away, banished and discarded by her parents, the adoption
industry and society, who deemed her unworthy to raise her own child.